Chapter One
Present Day Earth
One moment, Carrie was working on a baby blanket for her coworker’s impending arrival, and the next, a flash of light filled her living room. She let out a startled gasp that would’ve turned into a scream if her voice hadn’t been trapped in her throat. There was a strange peach-colored creature before her. She opened her mouth, struggling to make a sound that wouldn’t come. The rest of her body was equally frozen.
The peach thing had eyes, but no other obvious facial features until it started speaking, and what looked like lips formed in the gelatinous blob. “Don’t be afraid, Carrie Morgan. My name is Freydon Rote, and I’m with the Celestial Mates Agency.”
Her body might be frozen, but it wasn’t keeping fear at bay. In fact, that was contributing to it, and though she’d never had a panic attack, she was certain she was in the throes of one now. She tried to move or scream, but couldn’t manage to do either one. She couldn’t even wiggle her pinky.
“Really, there’s no reason to be afraid. I’ve simply learned from experience that when I appear abruptly, it’s best to ensure the person I’m visiting is temporarily incapable of screaming or running away.” After he stopped speaking, he let out a low trilling sound. “There, that should be better.”
It was better, and a sense of peace flowed through her, though she still couldn’t move. It didn’t keep her from questioning what he was, or why he was in her living room. She just had no outlet to voice the interrogative.
“As I said, I’m Freydon Rote. I’m with an agency that exists outside of time and space. We find matches all over the galaxies and bring together those who are meant to be. You’ve been matched.”
Her eyes widened, and she was torn between skepticism and the slightest hint of intrigue. She had recently filled out an online dating profile, but hadn’t summoned the nerve to look at the results since she had completed the process. Was this related to that? But how could it be, and why would an online dating company appear in her living room in a convincing alien suit?
Freydon bent down, holding up her suitcase a moment later. “I took the liberty of packing for you to save time. Based on your personality profile and observation files, I think I did a good job of selecting what you would’ve been most likely to take. I could have allowed you to pack for yourself, but I was afraid you wouldn’t cooperate. If you did, you might be in a panic and end up needing something later that you won’t be able to get.”
His words were ominous. They weren’t spoken in a fearful fashion, and he didn’t seem aggressive. He was matter-of-fact, which was almost as terrifying as the words themselves. Her panic started to surge again, only ebbing when he did that trilling sound. At first, it had been a welcome damper to her panic, but now she resented his ability to manipulate her and her emotions. She glared at him.
“Please don’t be angry, dear. I promise this is all for the best. You’ll thank me, though perhaps not in the beginning. We really must go. While I exist outside of time and space, I have an enormous amount of work waiting for me, and you have your entire future before you.”
To her surprise, she could suddenly move again. Still holding tightly to her crochet bag, she stood up and marched toward him, intent on kicking him out–or perhaps freeing the aborted scream that still seem trapped in her throat. It was an unpleasant surprise to discover she didn’t have her voice yet, and she pointed to her throat while glaring at him.
He put up a hand in a soothing fashion. “Yes, I understand you want to speak, but I can actually read your thoughts. It’s unnecessary, and it keeps the neighbors from getting involved.” He looked around. “Now where is Penny?”
How did he know about her dog?
“I know just about everything, dear.” He spoke the words gently before he raised his voice, summoning her dog with a firm command.
The creaking of the pet door through which Penny had recently departed to do her business announced the return of the big black lab as she came lumbering back into the house. While Penny wasn’t known for her bravery, Carrie still expected her to have an aggressive reaction to a stranger—and an alien at that, if his costume wasn’t fake—appearing in the dog’s living room. Instead, Penny ambled over to Freydon and started sniffing him as she wagged her tail.
The peach alien rewarded the dog with a pat on the head before fastening her leash to her collar. He handed the other end to Carrie, who took it automatically. He looked down at Penny, talking to the dog just as he had to her. “I packed your favorite things as well, sweet Penny.” After patting the dog on the head again, he looked around for a moment before nodding. “That’s everything then. Are you ready?”
Hell no, she wasn’t ready. She had no idea what was going on, and she was completely confused. She tried to speak, but he still hadn’t given her back the ability.
“Try not to be too afraid, dear. General DVS84 will take good care of you and vice versa. I might suggest you call him Davis though. Far more personal, don’t you think? DVS is such a mouthful.”
Her head was starting to pound, but the pain eased as soon as he let out a trilling sound, though this was different from the one he’d used to soothe her nerves. She was still bewildered and incapable of speech when the light that had flashed in her living room sparked again, this time encompassing her, the alien, and her befuddled dog. The last sound she heard in her living room was Penny woofing, a sound of fear, which was followed by Freydon’s trill. Apparently, it soothed the dog as well as it soothed her.
The next moment, her living room was gone, and the light that had encompassed them was fading. She stared around in confusion and horror at the landscape before her. It was barren and desert-like, though dust appeared to blow instead of sand. She choked and blinked as it stung her face and got in her eyes. “Where are we?” At least her voice was back.
“Welcome to the future, Carrie. The general will be along in a moment, so I must leave. As I said, things to do.”
“What’s going on here? Where are we, and what am I supposed to do? You can’t just leave me here.”
His tone was soothing. “No, not for long. As I said, the general will be along shortly. I doubt you’ll see me again. That’s what the timeline indicates anyway. I’ll only reappear if an obstacle becomes so insurmountable that you two can’t work it out on your own. I don’t see that happening for you, so I’ll bid you and sweet Penny goodbye.”
“Wait just a minute—” Before she could finish the words, the light flashed again, this time surrounding only Freydon Rote, and then he was gone. She stared at the spot where he had been for a moment before more dust blew into her eyes, making her blink and look away. She looked down, seeing her largest piece of luggage, alongside a smaller bag for Penny, and that was it, other than her dog. What had he said? Welcome to the future?
She wanted to deny what she was seeing, to pretend it had all been a hallucination, but it was increasingly difficult to do so as the seconds ticked past. She’d never seen a landscape like this before. It was as though all the life had been drained from it, and she couldn’t recall ever seeing a picture of such a desolate place on earth. Where was she? Had he brought her into the future to a different planet? It sounded insane, but after the last few minutes, she was finding it increasingly difficult to reject the idea.
She looked around, recalling Freydon’s words that the mysterious general would soon appear. Since she had no idea what he looked like, what his purpose was, or why she was there, she wasn’t certain if she should be looking for his arrival with anticipation or fear. Just because Freydon had told her not to be afraid didn’t mean she was going to choose that option. He might have seemed harmless and benign, but he had still kidnapped her and brought her to wherever this place was without any clear answers.
The wind was strong, howling in her ears. Combined with the dust, it restricted her range of view. One moment, it was just her and Penny, and the next, there were three large blue beings standing in front of her. Penny whimpered and pressed against her leg, and she put a hand on the dog’s head in an absentmindedly soothing fashion as she trembled with fear.
The closer they got, the more they looked human, though the faint blue skin was strange. So were the luminescent blue lines running through their bodies. They looked almost like veins, but not entirely. As they approached, she squinted and tentatively identified the pattern of blue lines as more closely resembling circuitry than a vascular system.
She was really shaking now, and though it was cold, it was mostly terror that made her tremble. When the largest one stepped forward, her head spun, and she could barely remain upright. He sounded surprised when he spoke, but his words were more surprising still. “This is where Rote said to meet him. Who are you, and where is the Celestial Mates agent?”
For the first time in her life, Carrie swooned like an honest-to-goodness Victorian heroine. Without smelling salts to revive her, she simply collapsed forward, passing out as the ground grew ever closer.
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