
Station Commander’s Surrogate

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Piper fled Olympus Station with a broken heart, finding solace in the far reaches of the galaxy as an exobotanist breeding rare plants. She left behind an unspoken love and a cruel sister, who enjoyed making her suffer. Eight years later, the last person she expects to hear from is her sister’s husband, Weston Templeton–especially bearing the news her estranged sister is near death, and her baby needs a womb to continue developing after Pippa’s passing. Somehow, she finds herself agreeing to act as a surrogate and steels herself to face the man she’s never stopped loving—the man who married her sister and never realized she existed years ago. Things have changed, and as she learns the truth about Weston and Pippa’s miserable marriage, old feelings she thought dead return. He seems to be falling for her too, but can she let herself love Weston again, or is it too late for them?